Schwarz-weiss Gebaeck
amount | ingredient |
200 g | flour |
100 g | butter |
80 g | powdered sugar |
5 teaspoons | water |
split in half to create white and black dough
add some vanilla extract
amount | ingredient |
1 tablespoon | cacoa powder |
- cool down in fridge for about 1h
- role out into rectangle (depending on shape you want about 5mm thick)
- cut out several long rectangles of the same width for each color, say 3 white and 3 black (it's important that these have the same dimensions in xyz)
- create two stacks, e.g. white-black-white and black-white-black. Make sure that layers stick well to each other without deforming the shape too much.
- cut the stacks into 3 rows
- swap the middle row between the columns, so that you get a checkerboard pattern
- put back into fridge for 1h or so to make it easier to cut them.
- preheat oven to 180 ℃
- cut into a few mm thick slices and back at 180 ℃ for 10-15 minutes.
To get a swirl pattern, put a white layer on top of a black layer and role up tightly and then cut. For the swirl pattern, the dough can be rolled out thinner. to get a good match, cut out black rectangle first, role out white dough, place dark dough on white and then cut out white rectangle (leave a bit more space on one end, if you want the outside to have only one color)
Figure 1: squared before baking
Figure 2: squared after baking
Figure 3: swirls